a single woman raising two children, ive learned to depend on God for just about everything. how to parent, what to eat, how to arrange the furniture, what to wear, what to buy...with that said,i was out shopping one day & came across a dress that had my daughters name written all over it!! i held it out in front of me, looked at it & smiled as i imagined my little kassidy prancing around in this beautiful dress. i folded the dress over my arm and started to walk around the store looking for what else i needed. as i meandered through the store God kept nudging me to put the dress back. of course i tried reasoning with the Lord, "but God i have enough money to buy the dress, and Lord kassidy needs new clothes." but God kept insisting to put the dress back. so...i took the dress back & hung it back up on the rack, i paused for a moment and looked up at the dress with disappointment and then walked away.a week later kassidy had a birthday celebration at her nanas house. when she came home she was excited to show me what she got for her birthday. she started taking her presents out of the bag one at a time. "and look at this mom!! it is the most beautiful dress ever!!!", she said excitedly as she pulled "the dress" from the bag!! she held it out in front of her as though she was wearing it and smiled brightly at me. my eyes teared up and i smiled back at her. "praise God!", i said enthusiastically!! what a wonderful father she has, i thought.
1 comment:
That's beautiful proof of the Lords love for us.
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